Reflux Pain Why Does My Acid Reflux Feel Like Chest Pain?

Why does my acid reflux feel like chest pain? - reflux pain

It's almost like a heart attack. I went to the doctor and taking medication, but I wonder why it hurts so much. It is a dull pain right at the base of my sternum.


chipmunk... said...

I am not a doctor, it is still talking with them, but I must say as a longtime victim of acid reflux disease (GERD)!

Three part answer information, and do not what to do!

I have a very severe case of acid reflux disease (GERD). I had to go to hospital for some of the heartburn that I can go because the pain can be overwhelming or your breathing will be carried out. It can be caused by smoking, consumption of caffeinated beverages if (Wed), consumption of alcoholic beverages, or can also be hereditary

The good thing about GERD is that it may be a temporary thing and can be cured. It is never a license to do, even if it ends with him the rest of his life has the ability to heal itself.

What NOT to do !!!!!!!!
In most cases, stress is a factor for reflux to see if you are what you eat and help reduce some stress. When you see what you eat for a week, you should find help when you when he should really listen to the doctor. ThingsNote:

Food, the fat
Chocolate (including any Coco)
Tomato products

The two foods that I recommend is black molasses and honey. The apple is better for the reflux at night while working for almost everything. What you do is, take a teaspoon. what you've selected. Molasses is the best reason of strength and nutrition, but must be used for taste. What is the substance do not on the walls of the esophagus and two things stick, is a cure and the other to protect themselves.
At the end of treatment, both substances have medicinal properties in them and how they sit on the walls of the esophagus to heal. This is also useful if you have a sore throat on the morning of reflux.
At the end of protection, both substances in sugar and acid reflux that, until the sugar is neutralized and no longer a problem was highIs this place.

I also set the search for cinnamon in the diet, namely the digestive system and needed to reduce the amount of acid to reduce the food, resulting in fewer return.

CR said...

They burn the lining of the stomach acid. My husband had it really bad, now here's how you get rid of him forever! Take 2 tablespoons of organic apple vinegar Cidar in a little water 3 times daily for 2 weeks (you may need it for 2 weeks, my husband was in the past 1 weeks) I tell you, it really works! What have you got to lose?

Just_Me said...

i kno wut ur well. Ive million still there lol.
really sux, I started rite after my operation I was very strong drugs that dosnt not good for the stomach of Ur, then u get acid reflux and heartburn .. . his stomach is very sensitive part of our body and we dosnt OB is any good, the food or medicines that have a reaction from him Causin, we have acid reflux or heartburn suttimes so long. if ur medication that you doc and taking UR, drikin try lots of fluids and cold milk contribute to ur doc and ask you to help acid reflux, MD, writes, inter alia, for the moment u Protonix. Well ... Workin million slow, but the AI. theres other drugs such as Prilosec, which is a good VRY 2nd
u hope ur feeling better.

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