Can anybody recommend a reliable hdtv antenna? - antenna for ge commercial skip tv
I have a Terk, and a version of GE, the $ 45 program - $ 60 If someone requests information about a brand or if you would any other, I like to be recommended. Thank you.
Antenna For Ge Commercial Skip Tv Can Anybody Recommend A Reliable Hdtv Antenna?
2:41 AM
Jump to ... and see which channels in your area, and which groups and addresses available.
I MANT510 Philips indoor antenna with 50 dB gain stations that picked up about 30 miles.
Well, first of all, determine that there is really nothing like the antennae of an HDTV. "All the antennas are working, even a few old hands to his ears.
Extent to which an antenna depends on the position of their region and the proximity of the signal tower.
I have a $ 10 antenna and my channels are clear. I do not understand, despite ABC, but none of my neighbors, either, so I think that is a problem of localization.
Bought Db Philips, 45 for about $ 40 and the trademark Sharp HDTV antennas. None of them worked well. What kills me is that my normal antenna economic 99cent trust issued receipt clearer and stronger than the 2 brands you, and that's what I use now.
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