Bible Quotes About Preachers Christians, Can You Explain This Bible Quote And The Many Priests Who Behave In Opposition To It?

Christians, can you explain this Bible quote and the many priests who behave in opposition to it? - bible quotes about preachers

"It is easier for a camel to get through a needle's eye than a rich man in the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24 Go)

Many, many figures of authority of the God of Abraham dress wealth. Priests and preachers spread to dress Pope, etc., and behave almost like rock stars and their congregations to worship him.

As a preacher in the film "Milk", "people expect from their leaders to dress well. Who was the reason for the use of several thousand dollars on clothing and jewelry. His excuse of the day, have his supporters had given money directly, and not a salary. What's the difference? Jesus gave evidence that he has given, even when the students complained about the poverty in which they lived,in

I can dress well for under $ 200. I can dress well enough to attend a wedding in a style under $ 100. How, then, is justified by a preacher who adorn themselves with jewels like a bitch face?

I have not seen a camel through a needle's eye recently. And you? Do not condemn these people, how dare they speak for God? What excuses to offer?


cj_74hod... said...

They simply followed the first and greatest commandment of Christianity. You are a hypocrite.

Rude said...

I agree. Anyone who reads the Gospel, to accept, and especially if you are a religious leader. Jesus and his disciples never wore jewelry or fine fabrics. It is a shame that the religious leaders of the material taken to a luxury, as long as poverty in the world. I would even say it was an abomination. The officials are, after all.

The Canadian Atheist said...

Oh, no! In his book against them!
Wait, you take out of context "comments" so funny when they do!

Anonymous said...

Catholicism is not biblical or Christian

reflexol... said...

Habits used only for the priests, liturgical celebrations, born with the mission of God with the Jewish people, and clothing are similar to the priest in heaven in the Book of Revelation. Revelation. They are also used in the traditions of many cultures and has accumulated more than 2000 years.
Pope still lifesyle a little more stringent than a journalist or any honest observer testify. Diocesan priests do not live in extravagance, they need a decent car to the hospital to friends and family to manage, if you can reduce your fist long enough to realize it.

No excuses for television preachers with private jets and homes of millions of dollars, but no lump, as well as Catholic priests. About half of Catholic priests are Congregational jobs and take a vow of poverty. The diocesan priests receive a small salary from the bishop.

The Eye of the Needle "was a narrow entrance to the temple area, where they cross to remove their belongings from his camel. Jesus is the lesson of detachment from earthly goods, not condemn wealth.

KAL said...

First, I think you should ask yourself: "Catholic" non-Christian "... Some" Christians "did not see Catholics as Christians, first ... and many others have the same position as you can about the priesthood and the position and the behavior of priests. Non-Catholics have no reason to justify or explain the behavior of church leaders who do not!

I personally think the money related to behavior of the "Catholic priest" a lot less unpleasant than the average price-related behavior of many "preachers" in other churches. Yes, you can use expensive clothes, but as the quote you referenced, he said, not a priest charged, at least for his work to the "shepherds" for many non-Catholics to Churchill --Che ... not $ 50,000 driving a car or live in homes of millions of dollars ... live in a modest house (the rooms are small, generally in the districts of the Church), and many take the bus!

I am not a Catholic, and I have nothing against most of the teaching and practice of many in the Catholic Church ... but I always found the lifestyle of Catholic priests (and religious) to be associated with Jesus' instructions to the lifestyle of too many pastors / preachers of other churches, "Christian"!

imacatho... said...

I know many Catholic priests, and none of them have thousands of dollars in clothing.

The Pope, he is 82 years, working long hours, receive no salary, no personal property, and can not be revoked. He lives alone in a small apartment for rent free in the middle of a cold, and the Museum of aging. His clothing and food are given to him around the world by offering the free will of the Catholics.

WWJD? What would Jesus do?

Jesus worked long hours, receive no salary, had no personal assets, and worked until his death. Their food and clothing, given to him by the offer of the free will of its adherents.

With love in Christ.

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